Seminars The seminars for Catalyst Hybrid 2021 are purposed in helping students become more holistically healthy in areas of vocation, relationships, spirituality, and mental health. Click the links below to watch each seminar. Know Yourself, Know Your Worth (Vocational Health) By Kameron Green College is a challenging time. Often times we don’t fully think about life after college and what’s next. There are some missteps. We will discuss the importance of future significant moments and how to key in on the necessary things for now that will prepare us for later.
Let's Talk: Caring Enough to Be Honest (Relational Health) By Skip McDonald Depending on how we've been treated in the past for attempted honesty will affect our willingness in the future. Sometimes it takes downright courage to be honest with certain people. We may feel it's just not worth it. But, when we go unheard time after time, it does damage to us personally and our relationships. We will explore some tips/steps in developing loving communication.
Coffee Chop (Spiritual Health) By Dwayne Pano Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." But we sometimes are switching things up on him and others based on what's happening around them. During this time, Dwayne and friends will talk about the importance of understanding why being true to our relationship with the Lord and keeping that relationship healthy can keep us during this social pandemic we're living through.
Tending Your Mental Health By Crystal Obasanya Mental health has relatively become a “cool” thing to talk about and openly discuss, but what does it really mean to tend to it? In this seminar, let’s explore what God has to say about mental health, techniques to practice and what healing and hope look like for you.
Interactive Worship This year at Catalyst we wanted to engage with God through different spiritual formation practices as a community. Below you will find links to various guided prayer practices you can try to spend time dwelling with the Lord! Semester/Daily Examen The examen is a reflective prayer that helps us review and look back over a certain period of time with God, to offer up to the Lord what has been challenging and remember where God has been at work. This can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or annually and invites us to be more attentive to God's presence in our life. Prayer Letter to God Prayer letters are a form of journaling, where we simply express to God what is on our heart by writing our prayers out! If you sometimes struggle with getting distracted in prayer, prayer letters can help you focus on what you want to share with God. Guided Imaginative Prayer Imaginative prayer is a way of allowing God to speak through using creativity! The Lord may speak to you something really specifically, or it may just be an opportunity to rest by imagining being with Jesus.